The benefitted from different technical methods and employ them in textile furniture's production without cloths back ground

Document Type : Original Article


Hael University


Ha'el University
Faculty of Education, Domestic Economy Department, Major Apparel& textile
Submitted by Researcher: Rehab Abdullah Hammoud Al-Houri
Entitled: "Taking advantage of the different techniques employed in the production of innovative textile embroidered cloth furnishings without fabric background"
Study Summary
Chapter One
What is the nature of the study, its limits and relevant studies
This chapter includes an introduction of the study, the problem of the study, hypotheses, objectives, importance, its tools, limits, methodology, terminology, and related studies.
The relevant studies are divided to the following themes:
• Studies addressed the technical methods of embroidery and weaving without using a loom.
• Studies addressed the innovative aspects in the design of embroidered textile furnishings, without cloth background.
The study assumes three hypotheses as follows:
1. There is a positive significant correlation between the use of different methods of textile and innovation of pieces of furnishing.
2. There is a positive significant correlation between the use of different methods of embroidery and innovation of pieces of furnishing without cloth background.
3. There is a positive significant correlation between the integration of the art and technical methods of textile and embroidery to innovate pieces of furnishing without cloth background and the achievement of the aesthetic and functional aspects together.
Study terminology
Textile structure, art methods, Embroidery
Chapter Two
Theoretical framework
The process of weaving, embroidery and the multiple ways of building, materials and shapes, and have different uses in various areas of utility and art, so the researcher will deal, in this chapter, the following topics:
First, Technical and art of methods of weaving without loom.
Second, Technical and art of methods of embroidery.
Third, Design and its art processing by computer
Chapter Three
Personal experience
The researcher addresses in this chapter the personal experience, stages, research and statistical tools used, through which hypotheses are validated.
Chapter Four
Results and interpretation
This chapter includes the findings and recommendations
It also includes references and a summary of the study in Arabic and English languages and research abstract in Arabic and English .
Including the results and statistical tables.


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