Design Arabic alphabet for communication between blind and sight

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at the Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University


An Arabic alphabet based on the Braille alphabet to build a network that allows us to combine both the Arabic alphabet designed by the researcher and Braille ,The aim of this vision is to enable the reader to read the Braille language easily and thus social integration between the visionary and the blind to reach a comprehensive society where Braille becomes common among Arab society by producing an Arabic print line that combines visual and visual experience and is based on a standard Braille line and can also be visually read At this time we rarely see Braille in the Arab public space. We do not find any interest from the Arab designers in this point. This experience is one of the first Arabic experiences that make Braille a way of communication between people who are sighted and blind. For the graphic design is directed to the visual and the blind at the same time, which makes the blind important role in the Arab community and through this alphabet communication between blind people and sighted in the same place and the application of the Arabic alphabet on many social aspects such as (Metro tickets - packages in general- indoor signs ) .
• This is the first research experiment to guide the Gremaki, where the Arabic alphabet is combined with Braille.
• Remove the gap between the sight and the blind.
• Increasing attention to the blind person and integrating him into social life.
• Remove learning difficulties by the blind person for Braille.
• Facilitate the use of Braille in public space.


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