“My wife and the dog” movie (Psychological and Artistic Analytical Study)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of photography, cinema,television- faculty of Applied arts- Helwan university

2 Photography,cinematography and television department - faculty of Applied arts - Helwan university - Giza - Egypt

3 Helwan University, Applied art


Abstract: The visual language in the movie "My Wife and the Dog" is the product of a conscious director of his instruments, and a creative director of photography with a visual vision. And the genius of "Abd El Aziz Fahmy" in the skill of portraying human relations, through a real manifestation of both ego and others, the sensitivity of the characters to each other, and portraying the deep feelings, emotions that move in the dynamic and strength, up and down in dramatic action. And from being influenced by psychology and psychological schools and various film schools. It cannot in any way, separation of the mutual influence between psychology and dramatic art.
Research problem: How to take advantage of the visual vision of cinematographic techniques and the visual language in the film "My Wife and the Dog" of particularity and self-interest for the director of photography, "Abd El Aziz Fahmy" with a designal vision in an attempt to enrich the field of design, as the research reveals the features of the approach and language of Abd Elaziz Fahmy in understanding the image, Through one of his most important works is "My Wife and the Dog”. This film, which did not resemble in his "technical" production and shooting any previous film, Which makes this film a great kiss for cinematic study and technical and psychological analysis.
Research Methodology: Descriptive analytical approach. The descriptive trend in content analysis is the precise and objective description of what is being said or presented on a particular subject at a particular time. But the analytical direction of the analysis goes beyond mere description of the content to extrapolations from animated animation elements and implied or hidden meanings in the content.
Research objective: The research aims at analyzing the film "My Wife and the Dog", a psychological and artistic analysis of his visual language. The film is a unique experience, presented by the Director of Photography, "Abd El Aziz Fahmy", which is considered a stand-alone school in the profession of cinematography, Art of filming motion picture belongs to the Fine Arts Vision.


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