Interactive Advertising In Commercial Centers

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University, Egypt

2 Professor – Dep. Of Advertising Faculty of Applied Arts Helwan University

3 Applied Arts - Helwan University


Search Summary:
The recent development of the Declaration has led to the emergence of a new type of advertisement based on all the advanced technological means, called the (Interactive Advertising), to increase the success of the advertising process, and the possibility of exploiting it to attract more recipients to it, the declaration Interactive is one of the most innovative advertising methods that require intensive study of its design, the interactive advertising is only a sophisticated means of advertising that can be exploited to a great extent in the commercial centers because of its advantages available to the designer and the user.
Interactive advertising has several ways to be viewed and exploited through the introduction of advanced technology and technologies such as the use of walls, floors, ceilings, squares, display windows, elevators and other places that can be used as a means of displaying an interactive advertisement.
The interactive advertising designers see the commercial centers as one of the most important places to publish their interactive advertisements, for several reasons, the most important of which is a center that brings together users of all levels, sex and age, but is considered an active place, the interactive advertisement in the malls has a big role In the success of the advertising process because of the different methods and components used in it. Hence the problem of research in trying to answer the following question: How can interactive advertisements in commercial centers be employed in and exploited in a positive way and with creative thinking that attracts users towards the advertised product or service?
Research objective: Take advantage of the use of interactive techniques to design interactive advertising in commercial centers, and monitor and analyze interactive advertising models in commercial centers to see how they are compatible with the user nature.
Research methodology: The descriptive approach of some models of interactive advertisements in some commercial centers to draw conclusions, and then the applied approach to design advertising models in commercial centers by the researcher.
key words: Interactive Advertising – Interactive Design –Commercial Centers.


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