The role of digital techniques in the production of conceptual photography

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


There is a link between artistic photography and contemporary art trends, including conceptual ones. The research seeks to clarify conceptual concepts and conceptual photography, and the possibilities of digital techniques to produce the image to achieve the mental image of photographic vanity, as well as the definition of conceptual photographers and contemporary artists. The research aims to identify the characteristics of conceptual photography and to reveal the aesthetics of content through the idea, subject and expression using photography. And to deepen the knowledge of the photographer to take advantage of the potential of digital technologies for the production of conceptual photography and aims to emphasize the components of conceptual photography in the light of the design elements and vocabulary of the photographic language, and the distinction between conceptual photography and similar visual processing of other schools such as Cyrillic .
The research assumes that the potential of digital photography techniques allows for easy implementation of conceptual ideas and can be analyzed philosophically and conceptually, as well as photography as a material medium suitable for the expression of creative outputs of the conceptual school. Through the descriptive approach of the theoretical framework, it is possible to describe how the photograph achieves conceptual principles and analyzes some conceptual photographic works. Then test the research hypotheses, and answer his questions and questions by analyzing the results of the questionnaire.
The researcher found that the visual body of the contemporary photographic art schools was similar to the digital techniques. The researcher recommends the need to link the study of photography schools to different buildings.


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    ثالثاً: المواقع الإلکترونیة: of view:12- 1-2019)     (Date of view:15- 1-2019)        (Date of view:17- 1-2019) (Date of view:12- 1-2019)  (Date of view:10- 1-2019) (Date of view:10- 1-2019) ISSN 1726-6807    (Date of view:19- 1-2019)  (Date of view:15- 1-2019)  (Date of view:12- 1-2019)  (Date of view:20- 1-2019)  (Date of view:20 - 1-2019)  (Date of view:15-1-2019)  (Date of view:11- 1-2019)  (Date of view:13- 1-2019)  (Date of view:13- 1-2019)  (Date of view:9- 1-2019)  (Date of view:9- 1-2019)  (Date of view:9- 1-2019)