Dramatic Backgrounds in Animated film

Document Type : Original Article


1 Higher Institute of Applied Arts - Department of Advertising

2 High Institute of Applied Arts - Decoration Section


Backgrounds play an important role in the animation films and the process of artistic creation, which is one of the most important means of dramatic influence and used as a component in the animation film because it emphasizes the composition and highlight aesthetic aspects in addition to the possibility of giving the effects of perspective and color effects.
The backgrounds raise the dramatic value of the entire film. The background also determines the time of events when the background is seen without the need to mention characters. The backgrounds also indicate the quality of the animation film, whether historical, religious or political. The scenes of the film drama faces, works to highlight the character and emphasizes the dramatic meaning because it acts as an environment on which moving scenes animation.
Backgrounds play an important role in the animation films and the process of artistic creation, which is one of the most important means of dramatic influence and used as a component in the animation film because it emphasizes the composition and highlight aesthetic aspects in addition to the possibility of giving the effects of perspective and color effects.
The backgrounds raise the dramatic value of the entire film. The background also determines the time of events when the background is seen without the need to mention characters. The backgrounds also indicate the quality of the animation film, whether historical, religious or political. The scenes of the film drama faces, works to highlight the character and emphasizes the dramatic meaning because it acts as an environment on which moving scenes animation.
Although the "Dramatic Direction of Backgrounds in Animation" has not been modernized, the background has been influenced as an element of the film, influenced by the age of applied technology specifically designed for animated film or other graphic arts in the form of computer programs with wide potential Other prospects have opened in an unprecedented animated film including the background


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