"Symbol indication in the Contemporary Square Sculpture Design. An Applied study on some Squares of the city of Marsa Matrouh”

Document Type : Original Article


Sculpture and Architectural Formation Dept., Faculty of the Applied Arts , Helwan University


The symbolism, is one of the oldest known means of the human expression, which preceded the invention of writing, the symbol in the ancient societies was a pattern of self-expression and a very concise speech tool, the concept of the symbol varies according to the artistic or cognitive orientation in which it will be applied in, also the shape of the symbol changes It is guaranteed by the fact that it is related to the concepts and data of the orientation itself and according to its association with different sciences such as Semiology , Anthropology, art history, aesthetics and others.
Appling the symbols in the design of contemporary square sculpture is particularly important for its ability to reduce and simplify the form and content in the work according to its sculptural nature and the purpose to which it was designed to and in its relation to surrounding environment, also the symbol has an important role in the forming of the sculpture according to its ability to reduce spaces and the volumes,blocks and gaps, in which as a matter of fact reduces the total cost of the sculpture work and also reduces the working time, As to the concept, the symbol confirms the different indications of the sculpture in a limited the visual expression for the recipient, in different messages with different values that help him to understand the concept of the sculpture with its different orientations.
Key Words:
Symbol – Design – Environment _ Square Sculpture
So the research problem :
• The lack of some contemporary square sculptures to the visual and expressive values which must emphasize the social and cultural values.
• The absence of the symbol as a design concept in the contemporary square sculptures, and the lack of clarity of its role in confirming and emphasize the national identity.
The research aims to:
• Develop a methodology for analyzing and designing with the symbol in square sculpture and linking it with the local environment.
The importance of the research is to:
Enriching the square sculpture field with an academic study that analyze and apply the symbol as a major design element in the local contemporary square sculpture.


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