The implications of the unification of the two countries with ancient Egyptian art until the end of the 18th Dynast

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Education King Faisal University


Egypt was characterized by a distinctive terrain which formed its privacy and natural boundaries, and it formed a type of intellectual communication between its population from the Iproto-Dynastic period, and that had a great role in the importance of the creation of a political unity among its regions. Which had its impact on ancient Egyptian artist.
The idea of unification of the two countries, which was considered a pivotal idea, varied in ways of expression in ancient Egyptian art, During the prehistoric period, many kings were keen to include their works , confirming their ascendancy to the throne of unified Egypt by appearing either in the white or red crown of the adjacent or double crown as King Mina appeared in the first Dynasty or wearing signs and symbols On the unit like the goddess Nakhpt and the Cobra snake, or embrace the lotus and papyrus as shown by the tag Sama tawi (sm3-t3wy) or wear the South King symbols of the north or vice versa, as did King Montuhotep II in the Middle Kingdom of Egypt , or through the architectural constructions that demonstrate the concept as shown by the group Zoser Architecture in the Old Kingdom, or by typing phrases confirm this, as we find on the statue of The Sixth Dynasty Bibi II sixth statue of Hatshepsut eighteen Dynasty, The number of works of art that reflect this idea. The researcher relied on the historical descriptive analytical method in studying the signs and indications of the idea of unifying the two countries in ancient Egyptian art from the pre-family era to the time of the 18th Dynasty. , And several schools and technical methods have been shown to overlap in their artistic works Political discourse revolves around the idea of uniting the two countries.


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