Strategies of Design Teaching: Enhancing Creative Thinking among Students of Interior Design between Theory and Practice

Document Type : Original Article


Interior design and furniture/Faculty of applied arts/Helwan University


The importance of creation in students' products as an indicator of the achievement of the desired goal of the design education process is clear to those interested in the field of design teaching at the faculties of art level. Teaching itself is a professional activity that is accomplished through sequential processes that are based on planning, implementation, evaluation and development, and is designed to help students learn. This activity is also subject to analysis, observation and judgment of its quality, and thus improved (feedback).
And since the design process is a set of steps by the designer to solve the problem designed to be studied, the creative process is one of the most important means to reach new ideas and solutions more effective and more appropriate implementation and the highest aesthetic value, which requires the essence of the process design in life . Therefore, the design process is not able to create a design work characterized by creativity, innovation, influence and persuasion, if not according to the steps and a systematic framework for the process of teaching design. Hence, it was necessary to study and research in the process of teaching, design, creative thinking and strategies adopted in this framework, in order to reach a strategic framework for the practitioner can process the teaching in the field of interior design used to serve the teaching process and achieve the goal of promoting creative thinking of students and from Then improve the quality of life.
In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the proposed teaching strategies were applied to the students of the second division / Department of Interior Design and Furniture / Faculty of Applied Arts / 6th of October University, according to an exploratory survey to measure the effect of these strategies on developing the design skills of students in general and stimulating the skills of creative thought in especial. The results showed that there are strategies suitable for the first stages of the study, while lay a strategic base based on creativity is supported practice in the advanced stages of education.


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5-3 مواقع شبکة الأنترنت
23- 22 February 2019) 
24- 15 December 2018)  
25- 5 January 2019)