The Impact of the Technological Development of Digital Processing and Presentation Methods on the Creative Aspects of Cinematography

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

2 Dean of the Higher Institute of Applied Arts, 5th assembly Professor, Department of Photography, Cinema and Television, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

3 Photography,cinematography and television department - faculty of Applied arts - Helwan university - Giza - Egypt


The continuous technological development directly affects the possibilities available for digital cinema processing, presentation and viewing techniques. This research examines the most important developments by discussing their impact on the creative aspects of cinematography. It discusses (softcinema), which is the beginning of the creative rooting for the use of the technology of image processing liberally and democratically. The research then moves to stereoscopic 3D viewing experience, either by shooting with two-lens cameras or single-camera camera, then making digital treatments and adjustments to deliver the desired effect, reaching the final step of presenting the 3D film.
The study then reviews the mixture between the various film media, so that the director of photography can take advantage of the different aspect ratios and characteristics of various film stocks materials such as: grains and light sensitivity and merge them in the digital intermediate (D.I) as an innovative narrative way to express different dramatic effects with each stock. The digital technology also enables intertextuality through different processes, by simulating the look of a certain film stock using visual effects, also, this technology allows other kinds of simulations, the digital alterations currently available enable the director of photography to suggest to the spectator that he is watching something similar to what he sees on his mobile phone, computer screen or anything the image designer wants.
And then the study discusses interactive cinema and virtual reality, which change the way of filming and presentation of the cinematic image almost entirely, allowing the Director of Photography creative new spaces and unfamiliar territories to explore that doesn’t have their fixed laws yet.


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