A design vision for the trends of modern design and its impact on interior design and furniture

Document Type : Original Article


high institute applied arts


With the technological progress and the global trend in the early third millennium to design furniture and architecture in the confirmed forms of the environment, and compatibility with the distinctive forms that became possible in the architecture of the nineties and early third millennium through electronic progress in the computer and in the possibilities of multimedia, which was reflected in its turn on the interior design and furniture. Technology has helped to discover the impact of environment on human psychological and physiological health and on the material and intellectual energy.

So as to open new horizons towards the development in the field of interior design and furniture, and in the formation of a design thought and philosophy that is different from what it was in the past.The discoveries also expanded to understand the nature of the universe and the characteristics of its growth and transmission from the linear path corresponding to the similar spontaneous path and borrowing that in the architectural form. The modern era witnessed intellectual and philosophical developments and multiple scientific and technological achievements.

The designer moved from the new environmental awareness of our mother land to more general objectives of the product outside its boarders of form and content to the interest in the environment from the level of the neighborhood and the street and the sites around him to the national and global level, and thus has gone to a wider scope to so that his architectural product interacts with his infinite and cosmic environment.

The problem of research is that there is no clear vision to apply modern design visions to both interior design and local furniture - and the research methodology is the historical and analytical approach.
The research aims to:
- Studying design theories that have modern technological visions
- Study of modern technical trends and advanced technology that influenced the design thought.
key words :Design Vision - Modern Design Trends - Furniture Design.

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