"The efficacy of the suitability and compatibility between the anatomical nature of the wearing positions of the woman's body and the glass jewellery".

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department - Faculty - university

2 Glass department- faculty of applied arts- Helwan University

3 Assistant Professor Department of Glass - Faculty of Applied Arts- Helwan University


The study of the anatomical nature of women's body wear, in terms of mobility and physical endurance, is the most important criteria for the achievement of ergonomics in the design of glass jewellery, as this contributes to the achievement of the best functional performance.

This research is related to the study of compatibility and suitability between the anatomical nature of the woman's body in terms of movement and physical ability, and the glass jewelelry design, the development of considerations to overcome the restrictions of movement in the place of wear, and the Overweight of the glass jewellery , in order to avoid the damage , And to achieve comfort and safety during use.

The problem of research is the lack of information needed to study the effectiveness of suitability and compatibility between the anatomical nature of women's wear and glass jewellery in terms of movement and physical ability.

Therefore, the aim of the research was to identify the most important considerations of compatibility and suitability between the anatomical nature of the positions of wearing with the woman's body and the glass jewellery design, in terms of movement and physical ability.

Thus, the hypothesis of research is that the identification of the most appropriate compatibility and suitability between the anatomical nature of women's wear and glass jewellery, in terms of movement and physical ability, contributes to their best functional performance.

The research presented several main axes, tried to achieve the goal of research, including a descriptive historical study of the compatibility and suitability between the anatomical nature of women's body and glass jewelery in terms of: movement and physical ability to endure.
The second axis is a descriptive study of the movement and physical ability as an anatomical nature of the wearing positions of the woman's body.

The third axis also identified the most important considerations for compatibility and suitability between movement and physical ability as an anatomical nature of wearing positions and glass ornaments, to achieve comfort and safety when used.

the most important results of the research is the study of the design of glass jewellery according to the anatomical movement of positions to wear with the woman's body, as well as the situation to overcome the restrictions on the movement of wearing, and increase the weight of glass ornaments, through the role of design and technology, to achieve the standards of ergonomics and safety When used.


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