The role of advertising design in nation branding

Document Type : Original Article


1 MSA University

2 Advertising dept., Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan Un., Giza, Egypt

3 Advertising Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University, Giza, Egypt


This paper aims at summarizing the concept of nation branding and the elements that consists of. The research aims at finding the importance of nation branding, as it became a popular phenomenon that used by countries to attract attention of the tourists, skilled students, professional workers, investors, governments of other nations and the loyalty of its people. There are a vast number of countries that brand their nations in order to manage the way that others around the world see them. It is crucial as it affects the nation’ s image, reputation and position in the global stage that eventually will increase its competitive advantage and boost its opportunity as a destination to be visited. The research demonstrates the nation branding as a kind of place branding and how is branding being applied to places and nations. It illustrates the stages of nation branding and how do nations use advertising as a tool of communication to present itself in the international arena. The research will use the qualitative method, as it is the study that is used to explore a phenomenon to reach the mentioned points. Then it will analyze the visual elements of real example of national advertising campaign that have been already launched in the recent years in India in 2002. It will see different kinds of advertising that used in this campaign. It will find the results of the fundamentals and basics of using advertising in nation branding. It will reach the precautions that nations must put in consideration while branding the nation.


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