Environmental variables and formality and their relation to the formation of architectural openings.

Document Type : Original Article


1 decoration department,faculty of applied art helwan university

2 decoration dept.-Faculty of Applied Arts-Helwan University -Cairo -Egypt

3 Decoration department, faculty of applied art damietta university


The environmental variables are a basic input for many design processes. In architecture, we find that many architects tended to take care of the environmental aspect. The attention was turned to the development of the aesthetics of the architectural openings, which is one of the most important elements of the architectural formation through an environmental context.
The research deals with an analytical study of the historical openings during different epochs also, it deals with an analytical study of buildings with a description of the different treatments of architectural openings and the method of handling raw materials and its effect on the interior space.
The research recommends the need to access creative solutions that combine the aesthetic and functional aspects while keeping up with the advanced technologies to create unique designs.
The problem of the research is that the architectural openings used in the modern buildings are concerned with the functional aspect only without paying attention to the aesthetic side and its effects on the internal space and without taking into consideration the environmental variables which have a fundamental role in the formation of the architectural openings.
The research aims to:
- To clarify the role of the treatments used in the architectural openings on the internal space and the impact on the users of this space.
- Studying some of the treatments of architectural openings in different buildings in an attempt to reach an innovative vision that combines the functional aspect and the aesthetic side.
- Studying the role of architectural openings as a mediator between man and the environment

Keywords: architectural openings, space syntax ,environmental aspects


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