"Using microfibers to produce a one-layer warming-up sportswear "

Document Type : Original Article


1 benha university

2 Professor & Head of Apparel Department Faculty of applied arts Benha university

3 assistant Professor of Apparel Department Faculty of applied arts Benha university


Sportswear is the most diversified and fastest growing group in the functional clothing market. It increases the performance of the player while achieving a comfortable feeling. It also qualifies the sport to compete to the maximum performance through the use of modern and advanced materials technology, and creating a good design that supports the sport with physiological comfort. While training and ease of movement without adding an extra burden on the player. Recently increased the proportion of sales of sports clothing, which led to the attention of textile developers, manufacturers and designers of sportswear to the introduction of greater improvements And innovations on these clothes. Recently, modern micro fiber has become a major concern in the future of the textile industry, where it has become popular in the manufacture of outerwear and accessories, underwear and sportswear especially.
, And thus the research problem arises in the following questions
- Does prolonging the warm-up period with extreme sweating lead to the player's loss of heat?
- Is the production of one-layer warm-up suit with thermal insulation and sweat absorption characteristics to reduce warm-up time?
- Does the difference in the quality of microfiber fabrics, whether woven or knitting, lead to the same results in terms of thermal insulation and air permeability?
Therefore, this research aims to:
1 - The use of microfiber fibers in the production of warm-up sports suit one-layer helps to achieve the properties of comfort and facilitate the process of metabolism and allow the body to complete the process of cooling and sweating without tightness or stress.
2- Determining the required properties in microfiber fabrics to produce warm-up sport suit taking into account the nature of climate in the Arab Republic of Egypt.
The research depends on the methodology: experimental descriptive method.
search limits
1 - The research is limited to warm-up clothes for athletes in the open stadiums and not in closed halls
2- Technical textile fabrics and modern materials [Microfiber fibers].
Search Hypothesis
1 - The use of single-layer fabrics keep the body dry and maintain the temperature acquired by the player.
2 - the use of microfiber fabrics that allow the presence of breathing to the skin and sweat affects positively on the players.
3 - The use of warm-up clothing provides comfortable comfort in terms of sweat absorption and appropriate thermal insulation.


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