Positive space (A new perspective for the application of the optical illusion art in advertising design)

Document Type : Original Article


1 advertising department, faculty of applied arts, benha university

2 Advertising dept., Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan Un., Giza, Egypt

3 Assistant Professor of Design, Department of Advertising, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University


The Optical Art, known as Op-Art, is one of the artistic movements that emerged in the late twentieth century. It is characterized by a purely visual relationship between the recipient and the artistic work. It aims to change the visual perception of the viewer through contrast or overlap of colors and shapes. The art movement had a scientific nature. In addition to being artistic, visual art artists combined the rules of mathematics, engineering, physiology and psychology, and created distinctive works of art based on visual deception and its impact on the eye of the recipient and the presence of depth, or a visual contradiction on the difference of visions of its artists.
The optical illusion art is one of the artistic trends that focused primarily on visual sensations and the effect it leaves in the eye of the recipient, This trend was based on the study of the results of the Gestalt theory, which stressed that "the sense of forms is through the logical system of the various images received by the senses and aware of them fully or partially by deleting and adding according to the nature of the field surrounding the work of art, Therefore, color, shape and space have a special nature in the process of perception.
Because the visual element plays an essential role in the advertising and for the visual art philosophy of artistic addition, Therefore, the researcher believes that the optical illusion art can be invested by employing the space positively in advertising to develop a new design vision that can be applied in the field of contemporary advertising directed to the Egyptian audience as well as the global audience based on the mental capacity of the audience has witnessed an unprecedented boom with the technological revolution, especially in the field of visual communication, The recipient is exposed to a variety of visual stimuli, which makes him qualified to absorb an advertisement in its design, idea or graphic processing on one of the art of optical illusion.


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