The Metaphysical Trend of Islamic Symbolism and Its Utilization in the Design of Printed Textile Pendants

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at the Department of Textile Printing, Dyeing and Finishing - Higher Institute of Applied Arts, 5th assembly


Islamic art is distinguished from other arts by being the most widespread art for the expansion of the Islamic empire that extended from China eastward to Spain westward. The Muslim artist discovered his own aesthetic principle, which transcends the visual world to an independent and regular world, taking the metaphysical trend of Islamic symbolism and placing it according to the justifications of pure aesthetic beauty with the aim of showing the beauty of creation and the divine power in it. It also sought for higher self-expression.

The Muslim artist built his metaphysical philosophy (thought) by sensing the constant existence of God and his certainty of His existence, which allowed the existence of a reciprocal relationship between him and the universe with all its wonders confirming the greatness of divine presence.

The history of art carries with it a reciprocal relationship between the symbolic and doctrinal thought. This relationship influenced the thought and conscience of the Muslim artist, which crystallized the link between symbolism in Islamic art and the content of metaphysical ideological thought.

Whereas printed textiles have an important role to play in enriching tourism facilities in various aspects, they affect the recipient and reflect the extent of culture of the community in which these facilities are found, which requires studying the design ideas and solutions stemming from the spirit and heart of the surrounding society to achieve design results that reflect the spirit, thought, culture and consciousness of Egyptian society. The metaphysical trend came to go beyond Islamic symbolism as a kind of improved perspective towards Islamic thought compared to what it currently suffers from in being described with terrorism and brutality.
Research Problem:
The research problem lies in the answer to the following question: Does the metaphysical trend of the Islamic symbol achieve aesthetic characteristics that can be used in the design of textile pendants?

Research Objectives:
 Derivation of symbolic indications of Islamic units and their implications.
 Utilization of Islamic symbolic formulas in the creative designs suitable for textile textiles.

Research Hypotheses:
1- Symbolic semantics of some Islamic units help to deepen the Islamic philosophy and improve the perspective towards Islamic art as a moral and spiritual art and is not intended for any materialistic aspects.
2- The Islamic symbolic formulas are considered to be the inspiration for the design ideas of printed textiles.

Research Limitations: Studying the metaphysical trend of some formulas of Islamic symbolism.


المراجع العلمیة
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