The Bauhaus school and its impact on interior design and fashion design

Document Type : Original Article


1 high institute applied arts



Research Title
The Bauhaus school and its impact on
interior design and fashion design
This research is submitted to
Architecture, Art and Humanistic Science Magazine
Participant Name:
Prof. Dr. / Amr Gamal Hassouna
Professor of design in Readymade fashion Department,
Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University
Dr / Wessam Hussein Korany,
Lecturer at the Higher Institute of Applied Arts, 6th of October
In the German city of Weimar, in 1919, a foundation of books was created to add The modernity on the 20th century in all fields like the Architecture, and everything related to the design of the applied and industrial arts, such as furniture, daily use tools, lighting units, advertisements, interior design and fashion design.
One of the most important principles of the founders of the school “Gropius” is the application of the product analysis method to its primary elements and many furniture factories followed later his ideas. Consequently, fashion designers were influenced by the architectural sense in their works as there are some who were influenced and produced geometric designs in a clear manner, and the geometric shapes were both regular like circle and cube.

Research Importance:
• Take advantage of the design lines of the Bauhaus School in contemporary designs for both interior design and fashion design.
• Studying the design theory and the Principles of the Bauhaus School and the stages of creativity in modern design thought.

Research Problem:
Do not link the effect of the intellectual trend Bauhaus on both the interior design and fashion design the design of the garment, with of each.

Research Methodology:
Analytical description of the direction of Bauhaus school thought.

Research objectives:
• Study the influence of the Bauhaus School Principles on interior design and furniture and its reflection on fashion design in this time period.
• Creating fashion designs bearing the characteristics and features of the Bauhaus School.
Theoretical Research Results and Recommendations:
Keywords: Bauhaus, Interior design and furniture, fashion design


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