Photographic abstraction between the plastic concepts of modern art & contemporary techniques.

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Photography, Cinema and Television, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University, Egypt


The abstract school is a school with its own artistic characteristics, which have been reflected in the various arts, including the art of photography. Where there is a close relationship between photography and plastic art and it can be said that photography came out of the womb of plastic art. Photography and its successive developments have been an important factor in the development of art in general. It is not possible to study the development of art through its various stages without mentioning the impact of photography in drawing and painters. The problem of research is the knowledge of the intellectual input that paves the way for the reading of the abstract photograph. How can the photography that conveys the truth accurately convey its abstractity ?, the extent to which photography succeeds in abstracting its photographic subjects and constructing numerical values through its elements, . The research aims at identifying the characteristics of the abstract photography school and its pioneers, pointing to the entrances to understanding and reading the abstract art, as well as presenting a theoretical and critical analysis of the abstract photographic image. The importance of research as a highlight of the artistic abstraction and how it is constructed and reflected in photographs, as well as it benefits students and photographers in the faculties and institutes of arts and art institutions. The researcher assumes that the lens of the photographer and the painter's brush are merely tools of transport and artistic means through the various paintings and technical schools, and that the Arab and local photographers (Egyptians) were able to express their lenses in the creation of abstract photographs. The researcher relied on the descriptive approach to analyzing abstract photographic works created by pioneers, as well as analyzing the abstract photographic works of contemporary Egyptian and international photography artists. The researcher concluded that abstract photography can take the camera as an alternative to the brush to produce geometric abstraction. Abstract photography can also be executed without the use of a camera, using a photogrammetric technology. Digital techniques helped produce abstract paintings and facilitated the artist's time and effort. The researcher recommends the need to identify abstract students and photographers in the faculties and institutes of arts and art institutions more than photographic art, as well as the need to know and study the specifications and effects of the abstract photograph on the recipient and their reactions to the.


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