The third dimension of Mural glass between the creativity and application of internal architecture

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of Applied Arts .Helwan university

2 Faculty of Applied Arts. Helwan university


One of the most important challenges facing glass designers is its raw nature to achieve creative and functional values that meet its aesthetic and functional needs
As the glass of transparency and reflection affects the technical and structural values in the vacuum, the achievement of the third dimension in the glass murals has a special elegance and beauty, which is related to mathematical and theoretical calculations to contribute to the application processes in the glass influenced by some modern artistic trends. Under the constraints of raw materials and techniques and in the light of continuous development
Hence the problem of research is the need to achieve creative systems that emphasize the third dimension of Mural glass through the formation of the interior architecture. The research aims to benefit from the various modern artistic trends in the development of creative systems that achieve the third dimension in the formation of glass murals in the interior architecture
The importance of research is to achieve the third dimension of glass Murals and overcome the limitations of technology through the different design methods, configuration and installation and its use in the interior architecture.
The imposition of research:That by taking advantage of the various modern trends had the effect in devising creative systems to achieve the third dimension of glass murals and employed in the interior architecture.

The research concluded that design of the three-dimensional murals:
- Transition from two-dimensional to three-dimensional lifting and exit from the level to achieve the values ​​of spatial and spatial variety as covered by the art of origami.
- The glass tile is one of the most popular trends in architectural facades, but the research dealt with it from the visual sense influenced by the art of visual deception and deep sense, to cope with the modern design trends towards the embodiment.
- The emergence of a new trend from the three-dimensional wall layout using the lines (columns or slides) to combine the function with the architectural mural as a part by controlling the lifting levels and out of the level to interact with the user and meet the design's target.
Because of the nature of the glass, cold forming achieves the highest efficiency in the formation with the possibility of application due to its modern modeling processes which are based on the design and all stages of its formation and operation until it reaches the application area.


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