Philosophy of the movement in interior design

Document Type : Original Article


1 October 6 university

2 Professor, Department of Interior Design and Furniture, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

3 Lecturer, Department of Interior Design and Furniture, Faculty of Applied Arts, 6th October University


Constant change and innovation has become a feature of our modern era, where man has a permanent desire to change and renew everything around him because of the psychological and physiological effect he makes on both sides.
We have noted this in the modern architectural trends that followed the idea of change in the form of movement, where it dealt with two types of movement either objective in the visual field, or mentally in the process of perception, the dynamic movement (dynamic) Based on the technological advances in the invention of methods and techniques to help the designer to access the movement of the imagination of the building and how to control it, As for the movement of the mind (static) It is produced by the designer's ability to manipulate blocks and plastic elements that create a different atmosphere of movement, which adds aesthetic and rhythm Mentally to the recipient. This shows the importance of the cognitive aspect of the fourth dimension in the design and its reflection on the psychological, environmental and aesthetic aspects on the recipient, which will increase the quality of the design using the thought of movement to create a dynamic and interactive architectural design, which will have a direct impact on the interior design and this is what the search will seek to reach and clarify it.
And by understanding the concept of the fourth dimension and its impact on the cognitive side of the user to the internal space and the building in general,Which will appear through the narration of the research of a set of models that illustrate the different forms of movement and its impact on the philosophy of movement through the cognitive side of the recipient and what its impact on the psychological and physiological aspects of man in the vacuum as a user and outside as a recipient.
Which will reach us to a range of results, the most important of which is the impact of the movement on the user and the vacuum and the elements contained in the vacuum and how to analyze the shape of motion in the design,To achieve the philosophy of movement.


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