Principle to be Considered in designing artistic Moving Images that Simulate Modern art Movements

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of applied arts

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Photography, Cinema, and Television-Faculty of Applied Arts- Helwan University

3 Professor, Department of Photography, Cinema, and Television-Faculty of Applied Arts- Helwan University


When we talk about the art of the animation or as it is called the art of video as a trend of contemporary art trends, we find that the art of video has become an expressive means of technology and means of plastic, has developed this phenomenon or artistic trend (animated art) The image of animation is one of the most capable of developing, rejuvenating and benefiting not only from the other arts that preceded it, but also from the technological developments, the revolution of modern communication technology and the digital revolution. This has led critics to develop the techniques of image production Of an open they can not and should not be unpredictable, have resulted in technology that have emerged in the field of animation production's artistic radical changes tremendous developments led to the discovery of this art again
The use of the digital camera offers infinite possibilities where each part plays its role in achieving a high-quality animation that leads to achieving many aesthetic dimensions in the image produced. Modern lenses also play an important role in the image design. Control the angle of vision of the subject and the degree of clarity and stability of the image and color and contrast and control the relationship of the subject topics and elements surrounding, in addition to the camera mounts and types and features and the facilitation of the movement of different camera movements and digital technology was not far The lighting technology used in the production of the picture developments on the level of the possibilities of use and speed of performance and digital control in addition to the huge amount of accessories available and not only the technological advances in the camera and lighting, but it offers us in the process of editing and the possibilities of special digital effects and the huge amount of effects Which give it and its artistic role in the process of designing the image and achieving the artistic purpose of it


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