Invest in the incredible elements of creative advertising ideas.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Higher Institute of Applied Arts 6th of October

2 Advertising dept., Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan Un., Giza, Egypt

3 Applied Arts - Helwan University


Human is in constant change generation after generation, and the mind-conscious innovator sees new, innovative beauty through the interaction of the subconscious and involuntarily influencing the recipient using modern thinking to achieve that action.

However, the strategy of unreasonable creative thinking requires searching the subconscious mind of the recipient and translating the visual experiences and relying on the impact of the visual shock, thus calling for a different visual perception that addresses the subconscious and the anti-visual familiarity when constructing the idea of advertising and reaching it into a kind of dazzling and thrilling.

These have become the magic keys to postmodernism. The ads based on the unexpected irrational thought of the viewer in the vision of the advertisement, and up to some sensory tricks in the process of visual perception, have become the hallmarks of postmodernism.

Hence the problem of research, which can be summarized in an attempt to answer the following question:
How can you invest the unreasonable elements in the design of the ad and reach an effective response by the recipient when presenting the idea (unreasonable) so that it has visual calculations that open up new horizons in modern advertising thought?

The aim of the research is to exploit the elements of imagination and imagination in the creation of design ideas based on dazzling and surprising and to reach an interactive response affecting the recipient, which has a profound impact on the overall change in the content of design thought.

The research follows the inductive method of collecting information and data for the development of advertising ideas dominated by the irrational. Then the research follows the analytical descriptive method of models of various means of advertising which rely on the irrationality in the uniqueness to present the idea in a different mental way through the irrational and then follow the applied approach to designs that are not visually familiar.

The study showed the effect of irrationality in modern advertising thinking on the interaction and imagination of the recipients of the advertising in an unusual manner. This vision was explored in the implementation of visual designs to employ fictional creative capabilities in the field of advertising and create a new case aimed at reaching a different visual language .


Main Subjects

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