Employing the Aesthetic Values of the Decorations of Kaaba Covers in the Design of Contemporary Furniture and Accessories

Document Type : Original Article


Housing and Home Management- College of Designs - Umm Al-Qura University


Research Objectives: This research aims to employ aesthetic values inspired by the Kaaba and placed them on furniture and accessories, and to reveal the technical aspects of a different nature of the designs, as well as to identify the responses and evaluations of the sample of members of the community of the implemented designs, which was employed decorations of Kaaba covers in a contemporary way. This research also used a number of scientific methods, including descriptive analytical and semi-experimental methodology
Main Findings:
1. This research concluded that the study of aesthetic values of the decorations of the Kaaba covers contributes to the enrichment of the innovative process and also contributes to the expansion of the field of imagination when designing. Through the study of the decorations of the Kaaba covers it was found that the linear and decorative treatments of the Kaaba covers are characterized by aesthetic values.
2. Furniture and accessories are inspired by Kaaba covers' decorations
3. There is a discrepancy between the responses of the research sample on the innovative designs of furniture and accessories to the house and their opinion on the general shape of the designs in terms of the special character and materials used and the interdependence between the design parts and its suitability to human body standards.
4. Highlighting the beauty and accuracy of the decorations on the Kaaba covers and studying how to use them on furniture and accessories while maintaining their Islamic value.
Main Recommendations:
1) The importance of conducting further researches and studies that handle the aesthetic values of the Kaaba covers decoration and analyze their elements to realize the way to put each type of Islamic decoration in the appropriate position.
2) Studying the aesthetic values in the decorations of the Kaaba covers, supervising them and presenting them in a manner consistent with the data of nowadays and using them as a source of creativity.
3) The need for considering the choice to the decorations of the Kaaba covers to emphasize its arrival to a universal position to enrich the field of decoration.


Main Subjects

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