The effect of electronic publishing on children’s Picture books Apps

Document Type : Original Article


1 Decoration Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University,Giza,Egypt

2 Decoration Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University


The interactive story shares the traditional one in literary writing, submitted text and graphics that reflect the story's content, but the interactive story is distinct from the traditional form in the use of various multimedia elements, which add visual elements such as (images, graphics and videos), audio elements such as (dialogue, music, and sound effects) as well as the motion element, And so on it becomes a literary form with digital characteristics that makes storytelling more lively.
Electronic publishing has made digital stories widely available in various forms and can be adapted in many literary, cultural, educational and recreational areas, and their importance lies its ability to upload different digital features.
Story applications are a form of interactive digital storytelling; they are a new way to present the story in a way that depends on the capabilities of the digital media and multimedia elements with the addition of the interaction element, which helps to attract the reader to view them many times.
It was observed that the Arabic story applications available through the electronic stores lack the standards for quality of their content, the bases of their preparation, and the digital capabilities are not used properly compared to the foreign story applications.
The study aims to analyze the content of digital story applications for children in the middle childhood, available through electronic stores of smartphones, tablets and handheld computers in order to understand the current situation of designing and developing of these applications for both iPad and Android devices, and to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the content of each of them in both axes: design, and interactivity. And based on the results that showed the superiority of foreign storytelling applications in comparison to those with Arabic content, a design framework was reached that includes the technical standards that should be considered when designing and developing children's storytelling applications.
In conclusion, it can be said that the design of interactive story Apps for is an innovative and important topic that must be studied thoroughly in order to develop the form of the Arab story as an interactive product that carries the authentic culture of Egyptian society.


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