Influence of Digital Technology on Theater Scene Design

Document Type : Original Article


1 Decor and Interior Architecture - Higher Institute of Applied Arts - 6 October

2 Professor of Design, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

3 Professor of Residential Design - Department of Interior Design and Furniture- Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University


Digital technology has evolved in the last ten years, has become a clear impact on contemporary culture, which helped in the rehabilitation of the play language, in terms of the establishment of the aesthetics of theater art and style of art taste. In international theaters we can find water movements on stage and in the background, as well as effects, light technologies and video presentations, which are controlled and managed through small digital centers. Despite the proliferation of techniques and methods of expressing the design of the theater scene using digital technology and visual effects of the theater globally in addition to all the efforts of designers and specialists of efforts to develop the theatrical presentation of these modern technologies locally, but there is still a big gap between what is presented globally and what is applied in the show Play locally.
We can shed light on the hardware and software of digital technology used in theatrical scene design as a practical solution to design problems and the process of directing on stage.
Technological development in the modern era has a great impact. Since theater constitutes collective consciousness through the expression of its ideas and embedded sought to use digital technology to be a tool of creative action for the manufacture of scenography using computer programs , Interior design professionals should be interested in studying digital technology for theatrical design because it has become a fertile field globally.
And also the need for the attention of the competent authorities theaters to equip the theater with the latest digital technologies of hardware and software to direct the theater work in a sophisticated and interesting and creative.


Main Subjects

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    ثانیاً: مواقع الإنترنت:                 

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