Designing A System By using International Quality Systems to Improve Production performance In Knitting Factories

Document Type : Original Article


The faculty of applied arts Beni Swief university


Textile, knitting and clothing industry is one the largest industries in Egypt, in terms of workers number and values of domestic production and export.
The private sector dominated the majority of knitting and clothing factories; it is different from the rest of the textile industries in its composition, where it faces a problem rarely found in other industries, namely its close connection with continuous development, its need to change in production methods, the diversity and overlap of production processes. As well as, the nature of inputs and outputs for each process, the high production costs and ways of rotation of raw materials and control its quality, ability to compete, which depend on reducing the required costs to implement the orders to be the lowest price and the highest quality achieved by companies in East Asia and especially China, the hard equation Hard. The production process, both material and service, deemed the basis of human activity and the axis of the continued growth of the economies of the countries, the progress and development of societies. Due to complexity and intertwining of economic relations and emergence of the system called the intercontinental economy, which led to a decline of traditional production systems to secondary grade. The global economy depends on competitive advantages, based on changes and sustainable development of production factor, through knowledge and technology in order to maximize the added value, organize and manage industrial resources, develop productive performance, improve production efficiency and eliminate mismatch between financial planning of orders with the tools and modern control of different production and service to actual financial flow of the order.
The research seeks to achieve this goal within the knitting factories through the development and design of a system using international quality methods and systems based on integration of five concepts of KAIZEN (continuous improvement), BOKKA YOKI (quality from the source), quality circles, modern measuring and setting tools for production and service processes inside knitting Factories in Egypt..


Main Subjects

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