Coptic stone carven between analysis and experimentation

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer at the Department of Textile Printing, Dyeing and Finishing - Higher Institute of Applied Arts, 5th assembly

2 Professor of design at Printing, dyeing and finishing department - Faculty of applied arts – Helwanuniversity

3 Freelance designer Printing, dyeing and finishing department, High institute of applied arts, fifth settlement, Egypt


Every nation that has its own role in creating a civilization has a special journey through deferent ages, which reflect its inelegance, Its originality and the spark of his civilization. we can see that the grand journey of Egypt represented in its Arts! Since the distant ages, Egypt formulated its art of beliefs, its feelings and impressions of life on its territory.
During the Egyptian journey through different ages, Egypt did not abandon its original expression during its ancient Egyptian, Coptic, and Islamic age ... the history has glimpses of the people in which they re-meet with the world of shapes and colors in works characterized by freedom and starting.
Coptic art is one of the original methods that link the Egyptian and human heritage, it’s the link between the ancient Egyptian and Islamic civilization. the Coptic art also represents art that has its own character with its roots in the Egyptian Art and heritage. the Coptic art came from the people and for the people, so it takes a special character different from the previous arts. Coptic art characterized by its objectivity, the Coptic art was caring about the object of the thing to meet the main purpose of this Art. Coptic art keeps pace with the new vision and religion expressing the people’s culture that has many civilization roots. Coptic art maintains ancient patterns and symbols of pagan elements after purification it and uses it in a Christian way. Initially, it was merely signals aimed at education, then turned into signals with deep concepts and sublime symbols, and was far from simulating nature.
The art of Stone Carvings & Sculptures has been credited with showing the origins and distinctiveness of Coptic art, and clearly demonstrates that it is an independent art and not a local folk school. In particular, Coptic art has its own Religious, ideological, and sectarian background with an expression of a lot of emotions the thing that made him an independent art. we can see that the Coptic stone carven contains a lot of symbols, elements, vocabulary and units that allow us to study them aesthetically, morphologically and technically to benefit from them in the printing 3D designs on women's fabrics.


Main Subjects

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