Digital interactive content Design impact on improving the student's level for printing techniques course in academic graphic design software (case study in printing techniques course at Al Zahraa college for women)

Document Type : Original Article


Graphic Design Department, Al Zahra Collage for Women, Muscat, Oman


The digital age has become a significant feature of the era of information technology, communications, advanced technology and the process of teaching and learning is not immune to these progressive global changes in the world of information technology. As one of the achievements of the present era is the Internet, satellite channels, And electronic knowledge; this will contribute to the development of teaching and learning methods, and it is necessary to review and evaluate the programs of teacher preparation in order to ensure the role and achieve the overall quality in the education system.
Several studies and studies have recommended the conversion of some curricula and curricula in Arab schools and universities from their traditional form to electronic courses. It has a new learning environment with distinct possibilities that allow learners to interact with the content of course data and information, and to control the course of the learning process positively.
In light of the above, this paper deals with the general definition of electronic courses, their types and characteristics, their relation to the learning environment, the design specifications of their digital content and design stages, the design of digital content for the course of printing techniques for graphic design students and its impact on improving the teaching level. And the associated statistical analysis and conclusions.
After completing the research by his theoretical study, and conducting practical experiments, the researcher reached the following results:
The research proved its first hypothesis that courses of unique nature such as the course of printing techniques for graphic design students in transforming their content into interactive digital content will achieve their educational objectives better and achieve more effective learning results in the cognitive achievement and proficiency of students than studying traditional methods of paper content Printed.
His second hypothesis is that there is a statistical difference between the average scores of the students of the experimental group and the students of the control group in favor of the experimental group.
Courses that are characterized by the dual nature of analytical techniques and practical applications converted from traditional classes in paper content to electronic courses with interactive digital content affects the improvement of the level of student achievement in those courses.
Therefore, all the standards and specifications of the design of electronic courses must be followed to achieve a positive impact on the level of student achievement.


Main Subjects

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