The Effectiveness of Using the Egyptian Folklore in the Visual and Dramatic Television Advertisement

Document Type : Original Article


benha university ,faculty of applied arts


The Heritage is defined as all the traditions, customs, sciences, literature, arts, etc. passed from one generation to another and still existing since the existence of the human being on Earth as heritage is the history and civilizations of peoples. Heritage as a general and comprehensive term is different from (folklore); the first includes all old and new, sophisticated and simple sciences, knowledge, arts, and industries but folklore includes only every issue related to spontaneous and random culture and knowledge for specific classes in societies cumulative from one generation to another including popular beliefs, stories, tales, and popular heritage such as poetry, songs, music, clothes, dances, proverbs, superstitious concepts, celebrations, and religious occasions.
Advertisement is similar to other visual arts that is influenced by Egyptian Folklore specially because it is directly and effectively addressed to the public specially TV advertisement that contains drama, motion, and several visual elements that provided the opportunity to the diversity of the folklore’s functional methods through the idea, story, song, dialogue, clothes, or otherwise. The purpose of the advertisement itself a product or occasion related to the folklore such as The Birth of The Prophet celebration.
The issue of the manner in which the folklore has been included in the TV advertisement, the effectiveness of maintaining the mental picture, songs, the legends drama and folkloric tales in the advertising content, and its effect on the contemporary generation in saving and passing heritage.
The research aims to study the dimensions of the influence and the use of folklore in television advertising in terms of inspiration and using the visual and dramatic formulation of the advertisement. The research assumes that the contemporary television advertising is full of manifestations of the Egyptian folklore and elements of popular culture because it has a public characteristic of the life of the recipient.
The research discusses this issue on the ground of different analytical models and realizing the manner of operating them, the extent of their success or failure in sometimes, reaching the recommendations of making an advertisement inspired by the folklore without changing the meaning on addition to maintaining and emphasizing the mental image.


Main Subjects

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