"The Concept Of Time As A Fourth Dimension In The Design Process And Its Impact On Interior Design And Furniture"

Document Type : Original Article


Interior Design & Furniture Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University, Egypt


Time is one of the dialectical issues that form the focus of many scientific and philosophical studies; the concept of relativity that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century- which is related to the time factor and its being relative and not absolute- has revolutionized the scientific communities, that affected the thought of scientists, writers, philosophers, thinkers, and artists, including designers. Hence the beginning to look carefully at the time factor, it is an intangible element, but its effects are tangible and influential, and cast a shadow over all areas, including the field of Interior Design and Furniture, where some design concepts have emerged that call for understanding time as a fourth dimension like the concept of space-time; that concept which is old termed, but with the technological advancement and the tremendous potentials it offers to implement this concept, the vision to it has been renewed. The designer usually deals in his designs with the three physical spatial dimensions, but how does the concept of time constitute a fourth dimension in the design process? And what is its return on Interior Design and Furniture? This is what we discuss in this paper.
Through the above research study, the following were obtained:
- Time- as one of the dialectical issues- occupies thought of the many, including designers who illuminated the horizon for entry as one of the design process dimensions.
- The concept of time as a fourth dimension in the design process has a great impact on Interior Design and Furniture; the term of time expresses many meanings, according to what happens during it. Based on that, there are some features that the designer can derive from these meanings, and translate them into design characteristics to achieve in his creative works, achieving the fourth dimension in design, which reflects positively on the recipient and he interacts with it.
Based on the above, this research study recommends the following:
- At the theoretical level: the necessity to expand research studies dealing with the time factor, for the possibility of arousing the constructive thought of researchers.
- At the applied level: the importance of activating the fourth dimension (time) in Interior Design and Furniture, for what can be given to the design work of forming physical values related to the aesthetic aspects, and to the recipient of moral values related to the psychological reactions generated by him.


Main Subjects

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