“Role of Furniture Design with Egyptian Identity in the Egyptian Embassies and Consulates Abroad in the Development of Tourism”

Document Type : Original Article




KEY WORDS: Furniture Design, Embassies and Consulates, Egyptian Identity, Development of Tourism.

Although, the Egyptian embassies and consulates are the most important establishments representing Egypt abroad, it was found that Furniture design do not carry any of the features of the Egyptian identity that helps in identifying the Egyptian civilization and drawing the attention of the attendants of those embassies and consulates, which is one of the ways to attract tourists to Egypt. The problem of the research is that the design of furniture for Egyptian embassies and consulates abroad lacks the Egyptian identity. The research aims at designing the furniture of the Egyptian embassies and consulates halls in a way that bears the Egyptian identity characteristics as one of the methods of tourist attraction for Egypt.
The research hypotheses came as follows: Some of the different and varied legacies of the architectural and decorative elements of the Egyptian civilization can be used in the design of furniture for the Egyptian embassies and consulates abroad. The importance of the research: To raise awareness about the value of the design of furniture that bears the characteristics of the Egyptian identity in the Egyptian embassies and consulates abroad. So this research, proposed designs that can be implemented in the furniture of Egyptian embassies and consulates abroad bearing the characteristics of the Egyptian identity. They were presented to the reception counter in the main reception area and an office of the ambassador or consul chamber combining the features of the ancient Egyptian civilization with the constituents of the flag of Egypt and then highlighting their most important aesthetic values. The research followed the descriptive analytical approach and was limited to the design of some furniture for Egyptian embassies and consulates abroad with an Egyptian identity.The results of the research showed that there are some architectural and decorative elements that distinguish the ancient Egyptian civilization and can be used to provide a proposed set of furniture designs for Egyptian embassies and consulates and achieve some aesthetic and functional values. The recommendations emphasized the important role of furniture design in highlighting the features of ancient Egyptian civilization, in addition to the need to generalize the features of the Egyptian identity on all interior design and furniture for all embassies and consulates abroad as one of the entrances to tourist attraction and tourism development in Egypt.


Main Subjects

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