The development of contemporary design formulations for the fabrics of pendants derived from the creations of children with special needs

Document Type : Original Article


1 The High Institute of Applied Art, Art Design Academy 6th October City

2 Ministry of Higher Education

3 High Institute of Applied Arts - Decoration Section


As the people with special represent a large segment of the Egyptian society, including many models of excellence in science and sport, in the arts and in various fields, that the state considers them as a major part of the work force and an important component of the enormous human wealth within the Egyptian society. Egypt seeks to maximize the benefit within the framework of the president declaration in 2018 about special needs individuals, it affirms the interest in this category empowerment to have their rights by motivating, encouraging and supporting them by private sector and civil society associations. The state strategy for special needed persons takes a comprehensive perspective on the various institutional, legislative and developmental aspects. on the institutional side, the National council for special needed affairs was established in 2012 with respect to the rights and affairs of this priority group in the attention and care of various bodies and agencies. They are at the most need for creative educational methods to communicate with them and solve their problems. Arts put them in a state of integration and reflection and through which positive communication with them is a stimulant and catalyst their own abilities to work on achieving the demands and emphasize their creative abilities, and thus can be integrated into society as an effective human element and able to participate and respond to production and artistic creativity.Creativity is an interactive process not limited to the creator, it is also a characteristic of the recipient, especially the children with special needs who need someone to reveal their talents, accept it and deal with it respond with them, thus show the importance and necessity to find new ideas to revitalize and claim and develop their skills and their imaginative ideas of the traditional textile printing variability.This research deals with the creation of print designs for textile pendants inspired by their artistic innovations using computer, to develop their skills and to give them an opportunity to understand and accept the creative language and visual artistic messages to integrate them in environment and society service.


Main Subjects

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مواقع الإنترنت:

22- 14/3/2018

23- 11/2/2018