The role of innovative technologies in the use of alternative environmental materials for the production of interior and industrial design elements

Document Type : Original Article


1 Industrial design dept., Applied Arts, Beni Suef University. Egypt.

2 Faculty of Applied Arts, Beni-Suef University


No one can deny the great role that technology has played in our lives, the solutions it has given us to many of our problems, the comfort and well-being in all areas of life that were not available to previous generations, but in return it was also an extraordinarily high tax. And will be paid by future generations. It is therefore necessary for the human being to reach a balance between the benefits of the technology and the damage it brings to it, so that in the end it can achieve the maximum benefit possible and the minimum amount of losses it can cause. Therefore, the role of the intellectual trends of the design to work on achieving this balance and enables the designer to use all technological capabilities with minimal damage to the environment. The idea of research is to access innovative means using high technology to adapt alternative environmental materials to produce interior and industrial design elements. The problem of research is that there is no clear mechanism for the use of high technology to adapt environmentally friendly alternative materials in the production of interior and industrial design elements. The research aimed to identify the modern intellectual trends in design that help to adapt high technology to serve the environment by focus on the role of technology in reviving the use of environmentally friendly materials for the production of internal and industrial design elements and to also the effect of integrating the newly developed technology with the green design on the production of internal and industrial design elements. To achieve this objective, the research used the inductive method of means Modern technology in the fields of interior design and industrial, and how to employ them to support environmental and alternative raw materials, and then the deductive approach to reach the methodology for the integration of the technological means of intellectual trends and environment-friendly. The results of the research are the possibility of adapting the newly developed technology to serve the environmental and ecological purposes, and that alternative raw materials environmentally friendly competition with other industrial raw materials strongly to produce elements of interior design and industrial


Main Subjects

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