Utilizing the Aesthetics of Andalusian Art for Contemporary Fashion Design to Support the Psychological Side of Women Over the Age of Fifty

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ahram canadian University - Cairo - Egypt

2 Fashion dept applied arts banha universty egypt


The Islamic artistic heritage contains a lot of different aesthetic values and elements throughout the Islamic ages in all their details, each of which has its own aesthetics and characteristics. It has many different artistic aesthetic elements, including decorative elements of the plant, engineering, writing, and inspiration. The originality of the works of art and can be used in the design of fashion and textile printing in many different forms and modern and modern in line with the fashion also because of the richness of these sources and the variety and what it carries in its beauty and authenticity and contemporary.
The arts of Andalusia and its presence in the East and West in Morocco, Italy and Africa have many aesthetics and characteristics of the fashion designer and the printing of textiles, which pays attention to every piece of art as an inspiration in the design and also to add an aesthetic element to each piece of clothing on my own. For the variety of colors and daring designs and accuracy of implementation and can also be used in the treatment of some of the psychological problems facing the user of clothing clothes and design is not to wear only it reflects the person and reflect many personal and psychological aspects of his choice of clothes and can also be used to influence the Psychological state of the child Ad clothing must perform the function and purpose and beauty and can also be used for treatment and affect the psychological state of the person.
The most interesting categories of women are clothes and their personal appearance and their innate love to appear distinctly and sense of beauty, which affects their mental and moral state, and we find that women over the age of fifty to go through many of the effects, which is a large proportion to the symptoms of psychological depression and that (Menopause) and this stage represents a great challenge for many women and perhaps the most common symptoms of hormonal transitions in women at this age feeling of depression and lack of desire to life, too, not finding what is satisfactory to them from their own designs give them a sense of self-confidence And feeling sick Distinguish.
Therefore, the attention to the general appearance of women has a great role at this stage.


Main Subjects

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