The effect of fabric type on Quality Different Sewing Techniques

Document Type : Original Article


Tief university


The world today is undergoing a wide range of successive variables, including all economic, social and technological trends, which effectively affected all areas of industry in general in light of the technological and industrial revolution that plays an important role in several fields, which is based on providing the different needs of each industry of raw materials and auxiliary materials Directly in those different industries which have a very important impact on the quality of the product and manufacturing in general and the garment industry is one of the most important and most rapidly changing and diversified industries, which encouraged clothing producers and workers in the field to modernize and develop those industries And upgrading according to specific quality standards recognized internationally and globally, The perception of quality has changed as quality is the characteristic of a product or service (13). Therefore, different quality standards have to be applied to the garment industry, which has a direct impact on the quality of production. The manufacturing process and the quality of knitting techniques varies depending on the type of fabric used and therefore the research topic was chosen which is the effect of different type of fabric used on the quality of different knitting techniques. Linen and rayon in a bid to improve the quality of knitting techniques and measure their impact on the shape of the final product, The research aims to improve the quality of knitting executed on different types of fabrics, measure the extent of the impact of the type of fabric on the quality of different knitting of the piece executed, through the implementation of a set of knitting techniques on different types of fabrics, namely cotton, linen and rayon. During experimental tests such as tensile strength, friction and phenotypes to determine the appropriate techniques for the type of material, The research assumes that there are statistically significant differences between the results of the tests on the samples carried out for different knitting techniques. The final product has a profound effect on the marketing of the final product.


Main Subjects

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