The Role of packaging technology in reducing loss during the food product life cycle

Document Type : Original Article


1 Higher Institute of Applied Arts

2 Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University


Research Summary: Food packaging is an essential part of modern society. Commercially processed foods cannot be processed and distributed safely and efficiently without packing. The World Packaging Organization (WPO) estimates that more than 25% of food is lost due to poor packaging.
Packaging can reduce the large loss amount of food through the continuous development of packaging materials, closing techniques and methods.
Research problem: Weak performance of food product packaging, which leads to increase of accidental loss during the life cycle of the product, as well as the absence of packaging role in reducing the loss in the food product until it reaches the consumers' hands safely.
Aims of the research: To monitor the percentage of loss in the food product during the product cycle from the harvest stage to the consumer's hand. Reduce loss of food during the life cycle of the food product through the use of appropriate packaging technology and methods for each stage. Setting guidelines to the Egyptian packaging factories and the involved parts to reduce the loss of food product by perfect suitable packaging.
The paper results the identification of the appropriate packaging strategies to reduce waste of food during the product life cycle and setting guidelines to reduce food loss in different stages.
Finally, emphasis was placed on the role of packaging in reducing waste at each stage and the importance of adopting new packaging materials and technologies, to extend the shelf life of foods and recommend the need for continuous development by further research and development to understand the impact of different packaging materials and packaging configurations (primary, secondary, etc.) on products.


Main Subjects

مراجع البحث:
مراجع باللغة العربیة:
1-  الفاقد والمهدر من الأغذیة فی سیاق النظم الغذائیة المستدامة –تقریر- فریق الخبراء رفیع المستوى-لجنة الأمن الغذائی العالمیCFS –یونیو 2014 
Alfaked w ehmohder mn alaghzeya fi seyak alnozom alghezaeya almostadama- takreer freek alkhobara rafee almostawa- lagnet alamn alghezaey alalamy-2014.
2-  عزب، منى عبد الحی - تحسین جودة الطباعة على خامة الجوت المستخدمة فى مجال التغلیف- رسالة ماجستیر-قسم الطباعة والنشر والتغلیف-کلیة الفنون التطبیقیة-جامعة حلوان 2014- صـ2.
Azab, Mona Abdelhay- tahseen gawdat alteba3a ala khamet elgoot almostakhdama fi magal altaghleef- resale magesteer- kesm alteba3a w alnashr w altaghleef- gam3et helwan2014, safha 2. 
مراجع باللغة الإنجلیزیة:
3-  FINAL REPORT: The role of packaging in minimizing food waste in the supply chain of the future Prepared for: CHEP Australia June 2013
4-  Joanna Wyrwa, Anetta Barska – "Packaging as a Source of Information about Food Products -University of Zielona Góra, Faculty of Economics and Management, Podgórna 50, Zielona Góra 65-246, Poland- 7th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management- 2017.
المراجع الإلکترونیة:
5-  Live cycle assessment access date 10 may 2019 8:32PM


7-  منظمة الأغذیة والزراعة للأمم المتحدة – الفاو فی مصر
Monazamet alaghzeya w alzera3a lelomam almotaheda- alfaw fi mesr
8-  صوت الأمة- جریدة الکترونیة
Soot aloma – greda elektronya. access date  20April 2019 1:25PM