Effect of different cotton material on the yarn produced by the ring spinning

Document Type : Original Article


spinning ,weaving Dep. Faculty of Applied Arts , Damietta University


The ring spinning is the end of the stages of the cotton yarn spinning by traditional methods Before Yarn winding Process, and is characterized by being one of the best methods used to produce thin yarns with high durability of short fibers, it can also produce cotton yarns from No. 4 to No. 240 E, and due to the multiplicity Types of cotton material, and multiple sources, the research was conducted to unclear the impact of the use of different types of cotton on the quality of yarns produced by The ring spinning of yarn, and this study was conducted with the aim of the possibility of producing cotton yarns with different materials and types with different number ring spinning system with better properties in functional performance In the production of (12) samples of cotton yarn with (4) different cotton materials (Giza 86, Giza 90, Greek cotton, Burkina cotton),and (3) cotton yarns of different number (16/1, 20/1, 24/1), and conducted various tests (RKM, elongation, Naps, thick places, thin places and the percentage of irregularities on the yarns to illustrate the effect of using different types of cotton material on the yarns produced in the study, and the results after statistical analysis showed a clear difference in many tests, which shows the obvious effect of the research variables on the produced yarns, and the importance of research in determining the best Types of cotton material used in the production Yarns of different numbers, which are produced by ring spinning system, reflected on job performance, and the results were within RKM values for Giza 86 cotton reached the highest, while it came for the lowest Burkina cotton material, The elongation values for the highest Greek cotton, while the elongation values For the lower Burkina cotton material, The values of Naps of the highest Burkina cotton material, while the value of the cotton material came Giza 86 least, Values came in the thickest places of the highest Burkina cotton material, while the values of the cotton material Giza 90 were lowest , The values of the thin places of the highest Greek cotton material, while the value of the thin places of the lowest the cotton came to Giza 86, and Giza 90, , The percentage of irregularity of the highest Burkina cotton material was achieved, while the cotton material came to Giza 86 the least.


Main Subjects

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