The plastic and conceptual dimensions of the art of contemporary portrait as an indicator of cultural identity

Document Type : Original Article


painting and drawing department ,faculty of art education ,Helwan university


The plastic and conceptual dimensions of the art of contemporary portrait as an indicator of cultural identity
The cultural and civilizational identity of a nation is the fixed, fundamental and common destiny of features and features that are related to language, religion, behavior, patterns of thought, customs, traditions, and physical, moral and historical heritage ... which distinguish the civilization of a nation from other civilizations and which make the national or national character unique. National nationalism
The art of contemporary portraiture, when combining personal features, symbols and signs with social or political connotations of traditional and contemporary heritage ... has made this art the ability to assert cultural identity, and the direction of artists to express identity through the portrayal of celebrities who represent a historical symbol, political or social or Scientifically .. and others who are associated with the Arab cultural heritage of a particular event at a certain time an impact on the Arab conscienceThis is through the plastic and metaphysical concepts associated with contemporary portraiture art that can contribute to the affirmation of cultural identity. The aim of the research mechanism is to clarify the entrances to the use of portraiture art to confirm the Arab cultural identity
Therefore, research suggests that it is possible to develop a contemporary artistic approach that enriches creative thought in the expression of cultural identity through the art of portraiture
The research aims to
- Studying and analyzing selections from the art of contemporary portraiture to identify the plastic and mural concepts that can contribute to the confirmation of cultural identity
- The experience of self-study, which emphasizes the possibilities of the art of portraiture in emphasizing cultural identity as an input to the expression in contemporary painting


Main Subjects

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