Effect of the laundering process and the addition of supplementary fabrics for appearance of the knitted pockets

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University

2 Department of Fashion Design, College of Design and Arts, University of Jeddah


Different designs pockets are an essential part of the garment industry because of its aesthetic and functional importance, therefore the main objective of this study was the effect of the type fabric on the pockets appearance. To achieve this goal, the effect of the use of Vaseline on the appearance of the pocket had to be studied. And to know the best designs of pockets suitable for the knitted fabrics. As well as study the effect of the laundering process in the form of design implementation, whether the design using Vaseline or without. The samples were carried out on four designs of pockets (patch pocket, pocket in-sit, top stitched welt pocket, seam pocket, side pocket), on two different knitted fabrics (100% cotton) single jersey & (100% cotton) Melton. The four pocket designs were applied on the knitted fabrics once using Vaseline and once without Vaseline. The data of this study were Collected using a Questionnaire, before and after laundering from specialized professors, the arbitration form included three arbitration elements: the general shape of the pocket, Regularity of pocket shape. After collecting the arbitration forms, they were statistically analysed using the variance analysis to determine the mean, standard deviation, and value (F) The most important results indicated that there is a significant relationship between the types of fabrics used in the study and the design of pockets, The use of Vaseline, and the laundering process, at a significant level (0.05). In the study of the interactions between the variables, the best designs for the general pocket profile were as follows: The first sample: the design pocket in-sit and then the patch pocket, and the second sample: the design of the side pocket, the last is patch pocket.


Main Subjects

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