The semantics of light and their impact on the painting of Moulouya Dancing "Whirling Darvishes" (A case study)

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor, Decoration Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University.


Art is an interconnected loop in which poetry, literature, theater and music all affects the recipient in general and plastic artist in particular and its affected and influenced by what is around it and is always searching for new sources of creativity, The creative process of the plastic artist based on the state of research and experimentation is not a single process but a mix of different psychological processes and interactions at the same time and the artist needs a constant rehearsal and a lot of effort in the training of hands and eyes where access to this situation is only done by the eagerly persuing and the continuous experimentation.
"It is not enough for an artist to have a certain skill, but to think about things for a long time is what matures him and gives him a deeper understanding," says Van Gogh. "Creativity is the true function of the artist, and where there is no creativity there will be no art," says Mattisse. Art includes a complex creative activity related to the changes that occur to the painting as well as the artist making it. The first objective of the photographer is to transform the elements of form, place, rhythm, color and other components of the artwork into a coherent and balanced expression to illustrate his message of the artwork.
Herbert Reed points out that the art of photography includes five key elements: rhythm lines, intensifying shapes, space, lights, shadows, and colors. The artist is in a constant state of experimentation and analysis of everything he sees. The research discusses the concept of the art of Mevlevi and the history of its origins and its relationship with the Egyptian skirt dance, as well as the semantic and symbolic significance of light as well as similarities between the new Platonic philosophy and Islamic Sufi idealogy. The subject of the research is to find works of art based on the experimentation of the art of the Mawlawi dance.


Main Subjects

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