Hanging Rugs between Aesthetic Value of Flowers and Design Software

Document Type : Original Article


1 Spinning, Weaving and Knitting Dept - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 faculty of applied art


The art of wall hanging textiles has become one of the highly valued artistic and aesthetic applied arts in civilized societies. It is an important method for decorating public buildings and houses, which covers a large areas of walls.
The success of wall hanging rugs industry depends on the designer's ability on successful innovation in which he exploits his culture, imagination and skills in producing rugs characterized by beauty with performance efficiency, to access a high level of quality that impose their efficiency in the market competition. Design is considered one of the most important factors that helps to attract the customer and promote the product economically.
Human use nature as a rich source of colors, lines and forms. It is rich in relations that correlate between elements in aesthetic expressive formations. The good artist is the one who has the ability to meditate the nature and distinguish the beauty in its relations. Many artists have created great artworks inspired by the simplest elements in nature such as flowers and plants of all kinds.
With the entry of Egypt the free trade era, we had to look for methods to develop the rugs designs and enhance their aesthetic value through looking for a new source of design resources by natural flowers processing using design software such as Photoshop and Illustrator to produce authentic and innovative designs that provides the principles of a successful design such as diversity, balance, unity, rhythm. These designs will be implemented using hand-tufted carpets style.
The research problem can be summarized in the predominance of the representative style in hanging rugs design derived from natural flowers and the need of presenting modern trends in the field of hanging rug designs.
The research aims to get benefit of the design software in designing of hanging rugs from designs inspired by natural flowers.
In this research, a group of hanging rug designs have been made by employing the design software to create designs inspired by natural flowers, and then implemented using the hand tuft.


Main Subjects

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