The organic manipulation of the abstract of the Arabic alphabet (contemporary formative vision)

Document Type : Original Article


1 The higher inistute of applied art . Fifth settlement, Egypt

2 Professor Emeritus, Graphic Department, Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University and former Vice President of Helwan University

3 Lecturer, Graphic Department, Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University


The organic treatment of the abstract of the Arabic character (contemporary vision)
Yara Mustafa Abu-wally EL-Fakharany
Assistant Teaching, Advertising Department
Higher Institute of Applied Arts
The Arabic character is an artistic creativity, with its philosophy, organic movements, inspirations and special elements. It has the ability to respond and assist the visual artist to create a unique architectural style, according to visual systems aesthetic, emanating from the subjective form of the character, where the characters can be part of the composition of the painting (readable), or It is not related to the linguistic content (non-readable), that is, the characters are moving bodies and shapes with organic self-emotional, complementary just the art work .
At the beginning of the twentieth century, when abstract art spread , the Arabic character appeared. It began to grow in a movement characterized by diversity and fertility, in which some of the visual artists inspire from the forms of Arabic characters to create their work, and reach a new organic form,such us Hamad Abd Allah, Saeed Akl, and others, since the beginning of the sixties of the twentieth century in the Arab world, they often resemble the human body with the types of Arabic characters, such us, the eyebrows like letter(ن ), and the flexibility of woman's body like letter (أ).
In this regard, the Arabic letter was used as a form factor to construct the composition in the work of art in a purely organic manner, where the human bodies were treated with Arabic characters in an unreadable manner, undeclared for the shape of the letter, and the distance from its engineering structure and structural laws known by Ibn Mokala in his book, But has been used character specifications to suit the specifications of the human body and show it individually on the art scene.
• Research problem: Is it possible to get out of the literary value of the Arabic letter to the value of visual organic form?
• Research aim: Disclosing the creative and organic aspects of the Arabic character.
• Research methodology: Analytical Descriptive Approach - Experimental Method.
• Key Words: A vision of an organic form of the Arabic alphabet - Arabic Calligraphy
Dr. Mahmoud Farid Mahmoud Prof. Mohamed Hazem Fathallah
Doctor Of Graphic- Dep. Of Graphic Professor Of Graphic- Dep.Of Graphic
Faculty Of Fine Art- Helwan University Faculty Of Fine Art- Helwan University
Former Vice President of Helwan University


Main Subjects

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    مراجع الأشکال (تاریخ الزیارة فبرایر2019)

    6.عین-محسن-غریب-طواف-مع-الحرف or
    13. صالون الفنون السبعة،
    15.  عمل علمی خاص بالباحثة، رسالة دکتوراه لم تناقش بعد.