Visual communication and its influence on treatment of autism spectrum through designing woven printed hangings

Document Type : Original Article


Ahram canadian University - Cairo - Egypt


Visual communication is the process of receiving visual stimuli and giving meaning and explanation of our experiences.
The interest in children in any society is an interest in the future of this society as a family. Measured by the progress of societies and its progress by the extent of its interest in children and care and study their problems and work to solve them. Autism is a puzzle for many psychologists and education, so many recent studies have been interested in children with autism Autism severely affects the personality of the autistic child and his family. Autism spectrum disorder begins in early childhood, and art is of great importance in the life of the child, it is a great way to help the child to bring out his feelings and translate what is going on and convictions in an expressive form, art in all kinds is one of the most enjoyable means for the child and exciting for his childish instincts.
Therefore, artistic activities are one of the most important activities that are offered to children with autism because they help them develop their perceptual (tactile) and visual through the sense of color, line, distance, size and perception by touching the surfaces. Therefore, art therapy is one of the successful means in the treatment of various disorders experienced by many individuals with special needs.
Autism is a mystery to many psychologists and education
Therefore, many recent studies have been concerned with autism, where autism disorder severely affects the personality of the autistic child and his family, as a result of the autistic child shows dysfunction that results in stalling or delayed growth in most aspects related to language, communication, social growth and cognition Sensory and emotional 43.
Autism spectrum disorder begins in early childhood and eventually causes social performance problems.Some signs of autism spectrum disorder appear in children such as lack of eye contact, lack of response to their name, or indifference to caregivers.


Main Subjects

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شبکة المعلومات العالمیة:
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50- /الإرشاد-النفسی-للأطفال-بالتوحد(27-5-2019)