Designing clothing Accessories to protective kinder garden children against potential danger accident injuries according to the objectives of ergonomics

Document Type : Original Article


clothing and Textile -Home Economics College- Helwan University.


The ergonomics aims to put the rules and guiding criteria to increase the efficiency and quality of all the human uses , The care and protection of today –( kindergarten children ) is the back bone for any national awareness where the investment in the human element is the key to any sustainable development,. Hence the problem of research was limited to:
1. What is the possibility of applying the objectives of the science of Ergonomics in the design of
in the design of "protective Accessories clothing " for kindergarten children?
2.What are the views of ("A" of Experts - "B" Consumers) towards the proposed designs?
The research- aims to:- Setting Ergonomics designs for " clothing Accessories " To protective kindergarten children for the purpose of prevention and protection from the risk of accident injuries Determining the opinions of (a) experts and (b) consumers towards the proposed designs.. Improvement of the lifestyle of children by reducing the sensation of pain resulting from their injury in one of the incidents under this study ,research follows the descriptive analytical applied methodology
- The study presented (24) proposed designs, divided into two groups: the first group is designing protective clothing "vests" totaling "6" proposals, the second group is supplementary protective clothing totaling (18) subdivided into four groups, as follows: "A - head and neck, B - chest or back, C - chest only, D-knee and legs, E-arms, The arbitrators' results indicated that the proposed designs in both groups have been considerably approved.


Main Subjects

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