Customs Fashion design and its Fine role in achieving Scenography Egyptian theater

Document Type : Original Article


1 Damitta university - faculty of applied art - ready made garment department

2 Assistant Lecturer at Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


The theater is the authentic cultural container that has lived in man for centuries since it is one of the most important and oldest human arts known to man, and people have realized its importance as it is one of the important elements in the development of civilized human behavior. It is a composite art consisting of many elements and arts that must be combined in order to get a good theatrical work attracts onlookers and influences them a total impact because it reflects the reality they live in. The art of these arts contributes in a certain proportion to the production of the integrated theater, and has always been a renaissance theater is one of the forms of cultural and artistic renaissance of any people of the peoples.
The stage scenography is a sophisticated and variable plastic value with the context of the drama of the show, and each part must be new in design.
To add and interact with other particles, each design and configuration of clothing, decoration and lighting is an integral part of a sequence that accumulates and accumulates an effect over an effect, until the overall effect of the design is complete with the presentation itself.
In general, the aim is to adapt the movement of fine and applied arts, including theatrical fashion, architecture, decoration, lighting, and ways of utilizing them in theatrical space - through the art of perspective - in a definite and concerted relationship with the word and drama in general.
Contemporary and embracing with the art of theater in accordance with modern form of scenography.
The graphic designer is a designer for the decorator, designer for lighting and a designer for fashion. And society in general towards the promotion of artistic culture and aesthetic taste and artistic sense directly and indirectly.The theatrical scenography of decor and lighting and costumes are one of the tools of theatrical expression and are naturally subject to the theatrical event and the requirements of drama. Strong as it contributes to the embodiment of factors of time and space, and even the nature of human physical, social and moral.


Main Subjects

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