Employing modern technology in the design of guidance and extension systems for general administrative buildings (Applied study on the faculties and administrative buildings at Banha University)

Document Type : Original Article


Advertising department faculty of applied arts Benha university


The process of designing public administration buildings went through several different stages, starting with the smallest group of users assembled in one place to perform multiple tasks and then developing into the very large work spaces, which arose as a result of the flourishing industry and the increased need for administrative spaces. The need to arrange workplaces and achieve effective guidance for the convenience of users and visitors. Modern technology has achieved a major shift in the design and implementation of routing systems to optimize the use of all administrative and user environments. To wander around. The aim of this research is to identify the effectiveness of employing modern technology in the design of guidance systems in public administrative buildings, with an applied study on the faculties and administrative buildings at Benha University. To achieve this goal, the research was divided into three main areas, the first part focused on the considerations for the design of guidance systems for Administrative Buildings. The second part deals with the studies of the use of technology in the design and production of guidance systems. The research completed the third part which presented an applied study on the faculties and administrative buildings at Banha University. The research results found that there is effectiveness in the application of technology in the design and production of guidance systems in terms of the creative results achieved by the applied study through an educational model to the students of Advertising Department , Faculty of Applied Arts, Banha University.


Main Subjects

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