Meeting Human Needs in House through Interior Design

Document Type : Original Article


1 department of interior & furniture design , faculty of applied arts , damietta university

2 Damietta University-Faculty of Applied Arts

3 Damietta university - faculty of applied arts


The human right to housing has been recognized since 1948, when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was promulgated, by which housing was established as an essential component of the right to adequate standards of living, accompanied by basic human needs such as food, clothing, health care and social services .The dwelling always meets the primitive and spontaneous needs of the human being and was linked to the human being and its presence in the urban association with the psychological needs of social, economic, service and aesthetic . The individual's access to basic human needs in the dwelling is a major and important objective in improving the standard of living of individuals, and thus their lives, health and well-being and thus their productivity and contribution to the overall development of the state .
Whereas the provision of adequate housing is necessary to achieve community stability and provide comfort and safety to its users . From this standpoint, many studies seek to develop the right design vision for the house in a way that seeks to improve the lifestyle and user's interest in providing the required needs commensurate with the available material possibilities .Taking into account these needs in the housing is a design necessity, which may vary from one housing to another depending on the nature of each community and each family, and neglect may negatively affect living in the housing and user behavior as well as physical and psychological health .
Hence the problem of research, which is the omission of the role of humanitarian needs in the interior design of some housing.
Therefore, this research aims to define standards and foundations that can be used in the interior design processes of the house and the design of furniture units.
The research gets its importance from Shed light on the importance of meeting the humanitarian needs in the house through the role of interior designer.


Main Subjects

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    28- غرفة-جلوس-على-الطراز-الإفریقی




