Achieving Sustainable Tourism Development of Hotels’ Interior Design using (Ecolodge) as one of the environmental design solutions

Document Type : Original Article


high instetute of applied arts 6october


Eco-tourism is a type of tourism that helps people to carry out eco-friendly tourism activities and emphasizes the importance of ecotourism by seeking to preserve the environment in which they live and to contribute to sustainable development.
There are three basic dimensions of sustainability: the environmental dimension (in trying to maintain ecological balance and the protection of natural life), the economic dimension (making use of scarce natural resources in the world to achieve returns, profits and employment) and the social dimension (because it is socially friendly tourism that promotes social relations).
Cultural heritage is the true expression of the history and culture of society. It is the material and moral link between generations. It reflects the culture and originality of the society. The heritage includes both the environmental heritage (the geographical location, the natural reserves, the terrain ...) and the cultural heritage (past, present and future of social life, customs and traditions).
Interior design is one of the most important areas of sustainability, and its role is important and effective in eco-tourism through the internal design of hotels, villages and tourist facilities.
The tourism industry is an important industry because of its great contribution in supporting economic, social, cultural, political and psychological development. As different areas of tourism and its various service activities and their close relationship with sustainable development have become a social and economic demand.
Therefore, the research addresses sustainable development (concept, definition, objectives, and indicators), tourism (concept, types, classification, concept of ecotourism and sustainable tourism), sustainable tourism development standards for interior design and tourism development problems.
The research defines the environmental design, principles, explanation and analysis of the eco-lodge as a solution to sustainable ecotourism development.
The research reviews the concept and considerations of designing sustainable tourism facilities and energy as a domestic determinant in the interior design of touristic establishments.


Main Subjects

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