The role of innovation management in achieving sustainable innovation in productive institutions

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Applied Art - Banha University


The world is divided into producing and consuming countries, and it is a great achievement for a country to reach the ranks of the producing countries and then to export to others not only because of the prosperity it produces, but also for its independence from any control imposed on it by the countries that provide it with its needs, . Especially the Arab countries, which are striving to keep up with progress and join the producing and exporting countries as well.
In order for any State to achieve that lofty goal, it must provide industries and services that promote global competition and are even capable of overcoming their rivals. There is no doubt that the best way to achieve this is to follow the successful global methods and methodologies in industry, management, innovation, design, marketing and other areas of influence in the entire productive process.
Over the past few years, a new global management term has emerged in the organizational structure of productive institutions: Innovation Management, which allows the productive organization to respond to the available internal and external opportunities. This is achieved through the active participation of all employees in the development of the organization's products, manufacturing and marketing processes. High quality of all operations, and then global competitiveness.
The ISO 50500 series standards have been recommended by adding innovation management to the organizational structure of production enterprises, developed by ISO TC 279 in 2013. It is expected that there will be a boom over the next few years in the organizational structure of the productive institutions globally, and we, as Arab production institutions, must keep up with that development in a timely manner, in order to ensure our continuity in the global markets and our ability to compete.
Research has sought to legitimize the role of innovation management in productive institutions, and to conceptualize the interactive relationship between them and all departments of the enterprise; thus achieving sustainable innovation for all activities and results.
The researcher reached the objective of the research using the explanatory approach, by studying and analyzing the concept of innovation management and how it interacted with all the productive departments of the institution, and clarifying the effect of this in the practice of activities innovatively and reach the best quality desired.


Main Subjects

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